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Please read this end-user-agreement policy carefully. By using the website (the “site”) (owned and operated by Minit Money (Pty) Ltd (2017/014560/07) (“Minit Money”)) and the Minit Money application, you (the “user”) are indicating your acceptance to be bound by the privacy policy.

1. General

  1. This end-user agreement may be changed without notice. Such changed agreement will be published on the Minit Money website, and your continued use of this Site and the App after any such changes constitutes your acceptance of the new end-user agreement and its terms and conditions.

  2. This end-user agreement applies exclusively to your access to, and use of, this Site and App and does not alter in any way, the terms or conditions of any other agreement you may have with Minit Money for products, services, or otherwise.

  3. The headings of the clauses in the conditions are provided for convenience and ease of reference only and will not be used to interpret, modify, or amplify the terms and conditions.

  4. No failure or delay by Minit Money (Minit Money) to exercise any of its rights will be construed as a waiver of any such right, whether this is done expressly or implied, nor will it affect the validity of any part of this end-user agreement or prejudice our right to take subsequent action against the User.

  5. Minit Money cannot screen or edit all the content available from the Minit Money site and does not accept any liability for illegal, defamatory or obscene content. Users are encouraged to inform Minit Money of any content that may be offensive or illegal.

  6. You hereby declare that you are entering into this business relationship to for the purpose of transfer of funds cross-border, using blockchain technology. You hereby declare that each transaction processed through the Minit Money app is for this purpose, by means of the purchase and subsequent sale of crypto assets. Transactional limits may be applied by Minit Money, and you hereby agree to such limits and not to attempt to circumvent such limits. By agreeing to these terms and conditions you assume responsibility to ensure that you do not surpass your single discretionary allowance for the transfer of funds out of the Republic of South Africa. The single discretionary allowance is an allowance with an overall limit of R1 million per calendar year, which a South African resident over the age of 18 years may avail of.

  7. You hereby declare that you are entering into this business relationship in your own personal capacity, and not acting on behalf of any business, organization or other person. You further declare that you are over 18 years of age.

  8. You hereby declare that the source of funds being used for each transaction is from your personal employment.

  9. You hereby declare that the information and documents furnished by you to Minit Money is in all respects accurate and authentic. Minit Money may need to update their information about you from time-to-time to comply with its compliance obligations.

2. Privacy Policy

  1. Minit Money believes strongly in protecting user privacy. Therefore, we have put together and follow a policy that respects and addresses the User’s needs. Users of this Site and App should refer to our Privacy Policy for information about how Minit Money uses and collects information.

3. Copyright

  1. Copyright 2024 © Minit Money, South Africa. All rights not expressly granted, are reserved. To obtain permission for the commercial use of any content on this site contact Minit Money

4. Intellectual Property Rights

  1. Confidential and proprietary to Minit Money (Pty) (Ltd) (registration number: 2017/014560/07). All the content, trademarks and data on this website and App, including but not limited to, software, databases, text, graphics, icons, hyperlinks, private information, designs and agreements, are the property of, or are licensed to Minit Money and as such are protected from infringement by local and international legislation and treaties.

5. Licenses And Site Access

  1. Minit Money grants you a limited license to make use of the Site and App. Such grant does not include, without limitation: (a) any resale of the Site, App, or content therein; (b) the collection and use of any listings or descriptions; (c) making derivative uses of the Site, App and its contents; or (d) use of any data mining, robots or similar data gathering and extraction methods. Except as noted above, you are not conveyed any right or license by implication, estoppel, or otherwise in or under any patent, trademark, copyright, or proprietary right of Minit Money or any third party.

  2. You may not use, frame, or utilize framing techniques to enclose any Minit Money trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including the images found at this Site, the content of any text, or the layout/design of any page or form contained on a page) without Minit Money‘s express written consent. Further, you may not use any meta tags or any other “hidden text” utilizing a Minit Money name, trademark, or product name without Minit Money‘s express written consent.

6. Marketing Collateral

  1. Minit Money makes no claim or representation regarding, and accepts no responsibility for, the quality, content, nature, or reliability of sites accessible by hyperlink from this Site, or sites linking to this Site. The linked sites are not under the control of Minit Money and Minit Money is not responsible for the content of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any review, changes, or updates to such sites. The inclusion of any link does not imply affiliation, endorsement, or adoption by Minit Money of the Site or any information contained therein. When leaving the Minit Money site, you should be aware that Minit Money‘s terms and policies no longer govern, and therefore you should review the applicable terms and policies, including privacy and data-gathering practices, of that site.

7. User Conduct

  1. In using this Site, and any of the services it offers, you agree:

    1. Not to use the website or App in such a way that is in violation of any applicable law or regulation;

    2. Not to disrupt or interfere with the security of, or otherwise abuse, the Site, or any services, system resources, accounts, servers or networks connected to or accessible through the Site, App or affiliated or linked websites;

    3. Not to violate, or attempt to violate the security of Minit Money. Violations of system or network security may result in civil or criminal liability. Minit Money will investigate occurrences, which may involve such violations and may involve, and cooperate with, law enforcement authorities in prosecuting users who are involved in such violations.

    4. Not to disrupt or interfere with any other user’s enjoyment of the Site or affiliated or linked Web sites.

    5. Not to upload, post, or otherwise transmit through or on this Site any viruses or other harmful, disruptive, or destructive files;

    6. Not to transmit through or on this Site spam, chain letters, junk mail, or any other type of unsolicited mass email to people or entities who have not agreed to be part of such mailings;

  2. In addition, you agree that you are solely responsible for actions and communications undertaken or transmitted under your account (if applicable), and that you will comply with all applicable local, national, and international laws and regulations in this regard.

8. Indemnification

  1. You shall remain solely liable for the content of any messages or other information you upload or transmit to Minit Money. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Minit Money from any claim, action, demand, loss, or damages (including attorneys’ fees) made or incurred by any third party arising out of or relating to your conduct, your violation of this end-user agreement, or your violation of any rights of a third party.

  2. Minit Money cannot be held responsible for a transaction being paid out to the wrong person if you have provided us with incorrect account details of the recipient. Once the payout has taken place, the funds cannot be reversed.

9. Submission

  1. You agree that any materials, including but not limited to questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, plans, notes, drawings, original or creative materials, or other information, provided by you in the form of email or submissions to Minit Money, or postings on this Site, are non-confidential and shall become the sole property of Minit Money. Minit Money shall own exclusive rights, including all intellectual property rights, and shall be entitled to the unrestricted use of these materials for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without acknowledgment or compensation to you. The submission of any materials to Minit Money irrevocably waives any and all “moral rights” in such materials, including the rights of paternity and integrity.

10. Communication Disclaimer

  1. The information in all electronic messages (document and attachments) sent by an employee / electronic agent / a legal member of Minit Money is confidential and may be legally privileged. The information transmitted is intended only for the person(s) or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient(s), please notify the sender immediately and then delete such messages (documents and attachments). Do not disclose the contents of such message (document and attachments) to any other person, nor make any copies thereof.

  2. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Neither Minit Money nor the sender accepts liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of messages that arise as a result of email transmission. If verification is required, please request a hard copy version. Also, take note that email can possibly contain viruses and that the recipient is responsible for checking and deleting viruses. In no event will Minit Money or the sender be liable to anyone for any indirect, special, consequential or direct damages arising from the transmission of email messages, the opening of email messages and their attachments, or any use thereof whatsoever.

  3. No employee is authorized to conclude a binding agreement on behalf of Minit Money by email without the express written confirmation of a director of Minit Money. Nothing contained in said email shall be construed as a legally binding agreement or an offer to contract.

11. Prohibited Transactions And Regulatory Oversight

  1. You agree that you will not use the App to accept or process payment for illegal products or services, including but not limited to materials that infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties.

  2. You will not use the App, the Minit Money website, or any of the services offered therein for any unlawful or fraudulent activity. If Minit Money has reason to believe that you may be engaging in or have engaged in fraudulent, unlawful, or improper activity, including without limitation any violation of any terms and conditions of this Agreement, your access to the Service may be suspended or terminated.

  3. You will cooperate fully with Minit Money to investigate any suspected unlawful, fraudulent, or improper activity.

  4. You acknowledge that Minit Money will provide your data to regulatory authorities as requested to enable them to investigate suspicious transactions, or for any other permitted purpose. You hereby give permission for Minit Money to provide information relating to your transactions to such regulatory authorities. For all customers who registered with a South African ID, the BOP category relevant to the money remittance is deemed 401[Gifts]. For all customers who registered with a Foreign Passport or Identity Document, you hereby select that the BOP category relevant for the transaction is 416 [Migrant Worker Remittances].

  5. You agree not to impersonate a Minit Money User or a Minit Money representative, or to request that a Minit Money customer provides you with their password or other information to access their account.

12. Deposits, Balances And Refunds

  1. You acknowledge that Minit Money does not hold a deposit-taking or foreign-exchange license (a banking license). Remittances of cross-border money flows do not constitute the making of a deposit, as the funds are transferred and deposited into the recipient account immediately and are not held as deposits by Minit Money.

  2. Should Minit Money not be able to successfully process the remittance transaction you requested, we will attempt to re-process the transaction. This may require updated information from you to complete the transaction. Should this be unsuccessful, Minit Money will refund you the amount you paid us to a bank account you nominate. Such a process will be subject to confirmation of irrevocable payment to Minit Money of the funds received, and will be processed within 3 business days of us receiving such confirmation and of your payment details.

13. Security

  1. Minit Money makes every effort to ensure the security and integrity of your account and we make use of sophisticated systems to accomplish this. You understand however, that there is a compromise made between the extent of these security systems and the inconvenience to you, the user.

  2. You understand that security still relies heavily on the use of secure credentials and undertake to contact us at once if you believe your credentials have been compromised, or if someone has transferred or may transfer money from or using your account without your permission.

14. Fees And Exchange Rates

  1. You understand that Minit Money may charge fees for the use of any of the services it provides. These fees will be published on the Site or App and may change from time to time. Your acceptance of this agreement indicates your acceptance of these fees and any change to these fees which may occur now or in the future.

  2. Minit Money will provide an indicative exchange rate on the App. Such rate is not binding on Minit Money, and the applicable exchange rate will be determined at the time we receive irrevocable confirmation of funds received from you. The transaction will be automatically processed at such a ruling exchange rate, and you agree to be bound by that exchange rate. The final transaction amount will be displayed in the Minit Money app, which you agree will serve as an Invoice for our services and a Statement for the requested transaction.

15. Disclaimer Of Warranties

  1. You understand and agree that this site, app and the information, services, products and materials available through it are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. You expressly agree that use of this site and app is at your sole risk.

  2. To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, Minit Money and its affiliates disclaim all warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to any warranties of title, or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No oral or written information provided by Minit Money or its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, providers, merchants, sponsors, licensors or the like shall create a warranty; nor shall you rely on any such information or advice.

  3. You expressly agree that use of this site, and app including all content, data or software distributed by, downloaded or accessed from or through this site and app, is at your sole risk. You understand and agree that you will be solely responsible for any damage to your business or your computer system or loss of data that results from the download of such content, data and/or software.

  4. You acknowledge that Minit Money does not control in any respect any information, products or services offered by third parties on or through this site, except as otherwise agreed in writing, Minit Money and its affiliates assume no responsibility for and make no warranty or representation as to the accuracy, currency, completeness, reliability or usefulness of content or products distributed or made available by third parties through this site.

  5. Minit Money does not make any warranty that this site or its content will meet your requirements, or that the site, app or content will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free, or that defects, if any, will be corrected. Minit Money does not represent or warrant that materials in this site or information provided by Minit Money via email or other means, are accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. Nor does Minit Money make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from use of Minit Money or its content or as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any information obtained through use of the site.

  6. Minit Money assumes no responsibility for any damages suffered by a user, including, but not limited to, loss of data from delays, non-deliveries of content or email, errors, system down time, misdeliveries of content or email, network or system outages, file corruption or service interruptions caused by the negligence of Minit Money, its affiliates, its licensors or a user’s own errors and/or omissions.

  7. Minit Money disclaims any warranty or representation that confidentiality of information transmitted through this web site will be maintained.

  8. All the information appearing on this site and app is provided without a representation or warranty whatsoever, whether expressed or implied, and Minit Money disclaims any liability to the user in this regard.

16. Limitation Of Liability

  1. Minit Money has taken reasonable steps as far as possible, to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the content shown on this site, to ensure that the user doesn’t suffer any loss or damages as a result of the use of this site.

  2. Under no circumstances, including without limitation negligence, shall Minit Money or its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, suppliers or any other party involved in creating, producing, transmitting, or distributing Minit Money or related services be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising from or in connection with the use or inability to use Minit Money or any content provided by or through this site, or resulting from unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data, or other information that is sent or received, including but not limited to damages for lost profits, use, data or other intangibles, even if Minit Money has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

  3. Minit Money shall have no liability to you in connection with any actions or transactions by an individual that uses your user credentials with your consent or knowledge or any cause over which Minit Money does not have direct control, including, but not limited to, problems attributable to computer hardware or software (including computer viruses), telephones (or other communications equipment), or internet service providers.

  4. Minit Money shall have no liability to you in connection with any third-party product, service or otherwise, purchased or used as a result of the use of this site. It is expressly understood that the user is aware that Minit Money provides a service to bring buyer and seller or service offerer and service consumer together, and accepts no responsibility for the quality, reliability, safety, function, suitability or otherwise, of a product purchased, service used, or otherwise, as a result of the use of this site.

  5. Minit Money shall not be liable for any fraud, deception or misrepresentations by Users of the Service in any capacity whatsoever.

  6. In no event shall Minit Money be liable for any act or omission of any third party (such as, for example, any provider of telecommunications services, internet access or computer equipment or software) or for any circumstances beyond our control (such as, for example, a fire, flood, or other natural disaster, war, riot, strike, act of civil or military authority, equipment failure, computer virus, or failure or interruption of electrical, telecommunications or other utility services).

  7. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, in such jurisdictions, liability is limited to the fullest extent permitted by law.

17. User’s Liability To Minit Money

  1. In the event that Minit Money takes action against you for breach of these terms of use, you agree to reimburse Minit Money for all legal costs, including tracing fees and collection commission, on a scale as between attorney and own client.

18. Applicable Law

  1. The terms and conditions pertaining to any products or services appearing on this site or pages shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa. Use of the service offered on this site or pages will constitute the user consent and submission to the jurisdiction of the South African courts regarding all proceedings, transactions, applications or the like instituted by either party against the other, arising from any of the terms and conditions pertaining to this site or such products or services.

19. Termination

  1. Notwithstanding any of these terms and conditions, Minit Money reserves the right, without notice and in its sole discretion, to terminate your license to use this Site, and to block or prevent future access to and use of this Site.

20. Severability

  1. If any provision of this end-user agreement is held to be invalid, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this end-user agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

21. Domicilium

  1. Minit Money chooses as its domicilium citandi et executandi for all purposes under this agreement, whether in respect of court process, notice, or other documents or communication of whatsoever nature: 1st floor, WorkShop 17, The Bank Building, Craddock Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg, South Africa.

22. Terms

  1. The terms “The User” and “You” are used interchangeably and refer to all individuals and/or entities accessing this web site for any reason.

  2. The terms “we” and “Minit Money” are used interchangeably and refer to Minit Money itself and all individuals and/or entities acting directly on behalf of Minit Money.

23. User Consent And Indemnity Declaration In Respect Of Identity Verification

  1. This section 23 of Minit Money’s Terms of Use relates to the customer verification services provided by various identity verification service providers to Minit Money, where Minit Money is required to verify the identity, validity and existence of customers, and thus Minit Money uses such service providers. These clauses are, in terms of the agreement between Minit Money and our service providers, required to be accepted by Minit Money customers in the Minit Money App. By accepting these Terms of Use, You agree to the below clauses in so far as You have used such services to verify your identity and gain access to the services that Minit Money offers.

  2. Minit Money and Minit Money’s customers (including any User and or representative, employee, consultant, contractor, or contracted third party who is utilizing the Service/s) hereby authorize such service providers to conduct an information search and various information verifications on Minit Money customers. Minit Money and its customers further duly authorize such service providers and their verification supplier/s to forward their image (photo of Minit Money customer) and any personal information to verification suppliers, information suppliers, and third parties acting on behalf of such service providers to verify information which includes but is not limited to qualification, certification, background screening, driver’s license validation, passport validation, identity verification, image comparison and any other personal information required to validate, verify and confirm information using the service providers system, database and software to obtain all required data and information.

  3. Minit Money and its customers authorize the verification, information, and third-party suppliers of such service providers to furnish information of any images (photo/s of Minit Money customer) and personal information which includes but is not limited to first name, middle name, surname, date of birth, age, sex, address, telephone number, email, driver’s license validation, passport validation, identity verification and any other personal information to such service providers.

  4. Minit Money and its customers unconditionally indemnify such service providers, and any verification, information, and third-party supplier, directors, shareholders, and employees, directly and indirectly associated with the aforesaid parties against any liability, claims, legal action that may result from furnishing, acquiring, hosting or storing, personal and any other verification information as stipulated in this document on such service providers system, applications and databases at any given time after the effective date and signature of this consent provided that such liability, claims, legal action was not as a result of negligence, willful misconduct or a breach of this Agreement on the part of such service providers.

  5. Minit Money and its customers understand that it is a condition of such service providers, and any verification, information, and third-party supplier that the information furnished and stored by them and hosted, managed, and updated on such service providers’ system, applications, and databases are done for Minit Money’s past, existing and future verification purposes.

  6. Minit Money and its customers understand and agree that this consent and indemnity declaration will remain valid indefinitely for all existing and future personal and verification requests, screening, validation, and confirmation of information regarding Minit Money and its customers and that such service providers may host such information on its systems and databases.

  7. The personal information will be stored and managed by such service providers, any verification, information, and third-party suppliers in accordance with global best practices.

  8. Minit Money may engage with new service providers to provide such identity verification services and may terminate its relationship with such service providers as it meets its operational requirements. Such changes to Minit Money service providers will not require notification to customers

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